Well... I hope not!  
They are really fun to make... made two more late last night ... these two are for Miss Muppet's room.... (LACY's Baby)...

ABOVE:  believe it or not, both these giraffes are made using similar purple and green fabrics, but they have come out so different in the photos!   
No idea why, might try taking a better photo of them later when the natural light is better. (done, didn't make much difference)
Does anyone think the bottom one looks more like a horse than a giraffe???

They will both have hearts/butterflies down the side too... at some point!
As I've said before, this is just the beginning of each wall hanging... there is heaps more to do.

Steve went to Hamilton last night to surprise Bex with a midnight feast!  She was working until 11pm and getting home around 11.30pm.... I wonder what she thought of Steve's surprise?

Suppose I shall find out later on in the day.

We don't have any plans for today.... probably just muck around at home... do some odd jobs, some sewing, bla bla bla.


JOAN:  Bex is a nurse aide..... not sure what the term is here.... anyway, she helps look after people who have had a stroke and are in Waikato Hospital.

It's a beautiful day here... not a cloud in the sky and mild temps.  Love it!

Stew and I went out 'window shopping' for a little garden shed to put the lawnmower etc in... so we can then fit more stuff in the under house store room.
We have too much 'stuff'.... but I don't want to sell or give any more away.
You never know when you might want/need it eh?

Lunch = pizza.
Was nice for a change.  We always get the thin base so we are not eating too many carbs.

Thinking of doing a bit more giraffe making...

End of Day:  didn't do any more giraffe stuff... had a mid afternoon nap instead!
Stew cooked dinner, so it's been a cruisy day in all.
ON TRACK:  sorta.
nite nite.


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