FINALLY... we are going to have our mini break away.

Before we head out of town though, we are going to AA (Automobile Association) to switch our Insurance to them.  We can get the same cover at AA for about $1,300 LESS per year!  Worth doing.

Once we have done that we are outta here!  
A nice leisurely drive up to Matakana... picking up some fresh fruit on the way, maybe some bacon and eggs... aaahhhh... 'tis going to be a lovely weekend.

AND all going well ... I can still blog while I'm away as the cottage has internet, which is awesome.
So.. you can see what we get up to!  Well... some of what we get up to... lol.

DEBBIE:  your comment yesterday was brilliant!  Now why in hell have I not thought of that before?  It would be the perfect way to take them out in the car without the lead/tWeangle drama!  Thanks!!!!  I have one really good dog crate, so I'll buy a second one now.

Right, time to pack...

We left Auckland after doing our Insurance change over...and stopped at Warkworth for a look around... then on to Matakana for lunch at the pub:

ABOVE: lunch at the pub!  Amazing burgers there.

ABOVE:  a couple of nice photos of the steam flowing through Warkworth.

ABOVE: the cottage and the view from the living room.  It's gorgeous here!
There is only one way to eat those burgers!  With a knife and fork... lol!

End of Day:  cheese and crackers for dinner.... and early to bed... we are both looking forward to a sleep in tomorrow.
ON TRACK:  hell no!
nite nite


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