**Superfoods** Salad

(Two recipe posts in a one week? Yes please!!)

All vegetables, fruits and salads are 'superfoods' in my eyes.. After all, they are bursting with nutrients that are beneficial for body and mind, and are relatively low in fat and calories too (and where they are high in fat e.g. avocados, they are packed with good fats to help our bodies *glow* and function as they should).

On the subject of 'superfoods' I wanted to point out that there is no legal definition of the term, which is why any company can call any food a superfood.. and hence why I've named this salad so!

A friend introduced me to this recipe and having tasted it first hand I couldn't wait to re-make it and share it with you all. This salad really is fabulous as it's actually packed with vegetables which are simply marinated in a concoction of flavours.. no cooking needed!

So, to make this delicious, Superfoods Salad, you will need:

2 whole broccoli
1 small head of cauliflower
3 stalks celery
1 green or red pepper (I used red for colour!)
1 cup sugar (I used sweetener instead - not pictured)
2 tsp mustard powder (I used French mustard as couldn't find the powder in the shops!)
1/2 cup vinegar (7% acidity - I just used Apple cider vinegar.. not sure of its acidity!)

1.5 cups sunflower oil (I used 1/2 cup of olive oil instead)
1 small grated onion (I just finely chopped it)
2 tbsp poppy seeds (I used about 4tbsp)

**I bought some measuring cups from eBay (pictured bottom left) to make measuring the ingredients easier

And this is what to do (seriously, it's super easy!!)

1) Chop the broccoli, cauliflower, celery, pepper and onion and place in a bowl

2) Add the sugar/sweetener, mustard (powder), vinegar, oil and poppy seeds

3) Mix!

4) Cover and pop in the fridge for at least 3 hours, mixing every now and again (I actually made the mixture the night before serving.. so it was marinating for around 12 hours - delicious)

5) Serve!

I enjoyed my veggie Superfoods Salad with chicken (lightly fried with mustard, vinegar and leeks) and new potatoes.. delicious!!

You will find that the salad keeps well for a few days in the fridge (due to the dressing) and you maybe left with extra dressing at the bottom.. not a problem - simply top up your salad bowl with more veg! No waste here :)

Have a great weekend, and do let me know if you try this salad out!

For more healthy & delicious dishes check out my recipes page [click here]


Nic x


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