When Lacy is visiting, she throws the baby's used nappy out the window ... and it lands by the bins.  Every evening Stew goes out and picks up anything that's gone out the window during the day... like empty plastic bottles, papers and nappies. 

Yesterday while here Lacy threw a crappy nappy out the window.  And then she went outside to sit in the sun for a bit, Teddy went out with her.

A little while later I saw Teddy at the door.  And his face and feet were COVERED in Baby Poo's.

OMG I almost threw up right there and then.
GROSS.  He had tried to EAT the entire nappy...!!!

Lacy bathed him for me... cos there was no way in hell I was touching him.  Ikkkk... like massive IKKKKK.

ABOVE:  only a mother could love this face.  He's lucky I'm his mother.  Cos he's one ugly mutt, but I still love him !

ENTRIES INTO THE PUPPY COMPETITION ARE NOW CLOSED.  We now wait till she spits them out .. then I can announce a winner. 

Today I am babysitting Keera while Lacy goes into the city to sort out some legal stuff.
She's going in on the train.
I will stay home and babysit and keep my eagle eye on Coco... she could have her pups any day now.

 ABOVE:  Stew and our Miss Muppet last night.
He nicked her out of her bassinet while Lacy's back was turned.  lol

ABOVE:  Brother and sisters.  And the dogs.  For a change Teddy actually seemed to WANT to be in the photo!

ABOVE:  I think I will try doing this 'pose' with them again one day soon... with a different backing and them all in the same colour tops.  


BELLA:  this is why.... I just throw trash out the window.....   let's say it's raining... and I don't want to go outside and get quite wet taking a plastic bottle down to the bin...

ABOVE: all I need to do is go over to the window on the far left over there and drop it down to the bins....

ABOVE:  the 'bin' area.  See the bottle down on the concrete?   WELL... NO ONE can see it from the road or anywhere.  It stays there until Stew comes home and puts it in the bin.  

Three bins.... small green = rubbish to be picked up by the council.  Large green = garden and lawn clippings, which is picked up by a private company.  Large green bin with Yellow lid = recyclables (plastic, paper, glass and tins) = picked up by the council.

I just picked up Lacy and Keera, dropped Lacy at the train station, dropped the kids at school and now I'm waiting for the baby to want her 9am bottle.  

Coco is still hanging in there too!

Keera has been fantastic so far today... she had a two and a half hours sleep and then took her bottle and is straight back to bed!

Bex has arrived for a couple of days and is unloading some of her 'stuff' into our garage.

Coco is waddling around... 

 ABOVE:  Coco, on Day 57 of her 2nd pregnancy. There's a lot of pregnant girls and babies in this house right now!

While watching Keera I've been doing some hand stitching of the Cot Bumper.... 

 ABOVE:  BUT...  it's rather difficult with a dog on ya lap!

ABOVE: here's hoping she doesn't get pricked by a pin!  In fact... I had to shoo her off cos I simply can't do me sewing with her on top of it.

Now she's on the couch at the foot end of Keera's bassinet.  So cute!

CRANKY:  yes I do have little bins under the bench, one for recyclables and one for 'other' stuff... but they are LITTLE... and I find it better to just chuck the plastic bottles out the window so the little bins inside are not filled up too quick. 

I just spent 5 minutes shaving Teddy's neck down to the skin.  Why?
So the bark collar totally zaps the little bugger every time he barks.
OMG he is just over the top right now with his barking!!!
The kids just came home, he could HEAR it was the kids, so he should not have gone ballistic eh?
Well... he did.  This morning he woke Keera three times with his friggin barking like a banshee.  I could KILL HIM right now, I'm so over his behaviour.
He's damn lucky I only shaved his neck... and didn't slit his throat while I was about it.  Grrrrr.

End of Day: well I've been utterly lazy this afternoon/evening! Just didn't feel like doing anything ... no idea why.
nite nite.


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