I have been wanting a chair for my computer area in the lounge.  I've had me eye on an old leather computer chair on Trademe for 3 weeks... it failed to sell during it's first two weeks and was relisted, so I went over to the North Shore to see it, with a view to bidding on it last night,  just before the auction closed.

And... I won it!  Best thing?  Well there's three actually.
- I got it for $20 less than it's original list price.
- It is GENUINE leather, and feels lovely to sit in.
- It will 'go' with everything else in our lounge.

I am chuffed (thrilled) to have got it... stuff paying over $150-200 for a new one when you can get one that is just perfect and comfy as hell for so much less!

Wanna see it?  Ya or Nay... here it is:

ABOVE:  See?  Rather nice... well actually I just LOVE IT.  Will be picking it up just as soon as I hear back from the owner.

Right.. today?
Make an appointment to see the Dr about my test results, and make an appointment for Griffin's 11yr old immunisations. 
He was disappointed on saturday that he couldn't get it right there and then! Silly boy... he obviously hasn't had an injection in years. 

Sewing.... got to make cot and bassinet sheets for Bex.  She's bought the fabric.. all I have to do it cut it to size and hem them.  Simple.


Good morning so far... found out I've won a Blog Giveaway!  Score (2) in the last 24 hours!
Good things come in three's don't they?    Dumm dee doooooo....

I DID say nice things happen in three's didn't I?

Cos... This just arrived on my front door!

 ABOVE:  I can't believe a gorgeous Chick in Aussy sent me this parcel! And for NO REASON even!  Thank you so much Glenys, you made my day even brighter. ♥

ABOVE:  Glenys has sent 2 cute soft Giraffes, one for Keera and one for Bex and Steve's baby boy and a stationary pack for Brylee and Griffin.  Notice the pretty shell card too?  *smiles*  This Chick knows me... AND BEX!  Bex loves giraffe's.  lol
THANK YOU GLENYS... you ROCK!  We all know receiving a gift in the post can lift one's spirits.

It has been a very quiet day ... but my mind is very busy.  Lots of things going around and around and bothering me a bit.
But more on that tomorrow I think. (or not) 

It is getting closer to Christmas and I'm starting to fret a bit about just how BUSY it is going to be in our home. 
But also how lovely it is going to be to get to spend some real good quality time with the Aussy family ... and get to know Haylea, Sienna and Bodhi. 

Damn! I just realised I didn't call the Dr today.  Will do that first thing tomorrow. 

Coco has just gone mad!  Running inside and outside like a mad thing... little Phantom is utterly perplexed by her nutty running around!  So cute too.  He's trying to jump on the couch.  He gets himself all ready (quivering) then leaps... and smacks his face into the front of the couch!  TOO FUNNY! Sorry Phantom, you have at least 2  months to go before you will be big enough to jump onto a couch!

Steve came home with what he thought would be good news.  NOPE.  Just made my day go from sunshine to darkness.  Sad.

KATE:  no... he had a fleeting hair brained idea... but it would appear Bex killed it.  It did make me upset though... and the little shit said he was half winding me up anyway!  Karma Steve... wait for it ya shit.  *smiles*
HAPPY ELF MOM:  yes Steve is 100% OK.  lol 

End of day:  A lazy day.  A less that productive day.  A day of reflection.  A day of sadness too. Can't get over some people's duplicity. 
nite nite


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