Miss Keera was having a bad hair day yesterday (like EVERY DAY!)... so I had a go at putting the middle section up...

ABOVE:  Keera and her big brother Griffin. 
ABOVE:  in this one she almost smiled... she has the most heart stopping smile. Notice how her hair is getting lighter?  Lacy was born with pitch black hair, but by the time she was 1 yr old it morphed into a dark blonde.  I think Keera's hair is doing the same thing.

ABOVE:  Silly Bex @ about 5 and a half months along.

ABOVE:  Now @ almost 8 months.  Thank goodness she finishes work in 3 more days... cos I SERIOUSLY doubt that uniform is gunna fit her much longer!  

In two more sleeps she will be living HERE with Steve permanently!  They are so looking forward to actually living together finally.

And I am looking forward to never being lonely ever again! 

HAVE I mentioned that in exactly 9 more sleeps Russell, Tess, Haylea, Sienna and Bodhi will be here too!  I am so, so looking forward to that TOO.  It's probably time I started sorting out the bedrooms to accomodate them...

Keera woke up at 2am... so I very reluctantly got up and fed her a bottle. So... I just got up, feel like shit cos I had a restless sleep.  The guys are already up watching rugby!  And ... I might even go back to bed yet...the guys are perfectly able to look after Miss Muppet.


We just did the grocery shopping... was badly necessary.  We play this game called 'How much will the bill be?'
And the weird thing is.. I almost always guess very close to the right amount!   Today I guessed $625, Stew guessed $680.  Actual cost?  $615.  I WIN!
Stew always likes my guess's!

So, we get home and put it all away... and I go to put something in the bin under the bench and this is what I see:

ABOVE:  My Mary Lou Doll... in the bin!!!!
OMG... I whipped her out of there quick smart.
Stew... found her on the floor.  The dogs had chewed one of her arms off... so he decided she was only good for the bin!
I have had that doll for 30 YEARS!  No way is she going in the bin.
She is now sitting on my computer desk.  I am never throwing her away.  She is precious. 

Seems I fell asleep on the couch.  Can't have lasted long ... sleeping with Brylee and Griffin around is near impossible.  They sure know how to bicker and argue. 
Might be tempted to send them to bed early if they keep it up. 
It's Monday tomorrow eh?   EXCELLENT. 

End of Day:  well we have been watching 'New Zealand's Got Talent' tonight.  I was so impressed with so many of the finalists.  I have 4 favourites!  Only one can win, which is sad cos there were so many that were OUTSTANDING. 
nite nite


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